Thursday, 10:18 AM Dear Friend, Last week I did a free teleseminar revealing how I leap-frogged over the “shameless whore” phase of freelance copywriting and jumped right into the high paying gigs. My first official gig as a solo freelancer paid me equivalent to about $12,000 in today’s rapidly declining dollar. (If things keep up, [...]
Friday, 2:57 AM Dear Friend, It’s late and I can’t sleep. And counting sheep isn’t helping. (Maybe I should try counting Dobermans instead, huh?) See, I’ve been thinking about all the young copywriters I met at John Carlton’s Action seminar. A lot of these guys and gals are struggling. They’re trapped in the “paying your [...]
Sunday, 10:16 AM Dear Friend, I’m in the Loews Coronado Bay Resort in San Diego, CA right now after two intense days of John Carlton’s Action Seminar. I met a bunch of really cool people. I even got to meet a few of my subscribers, Duane, Colin and Francis. It was fun getting to know [...]
Wednesday, 8:46 AM Dear Friend, I’ve never really had the luxury of having a lot of money to start most of my “kitchen table” businesses. Even later in my career when I DID have a fair amount of capital to invest, I still did it on the cheap. In fact, I started my very first [...]
Sunday, 5:34 PM Dear Friend, I love the Catholics. I better! I’m married to one. Seriously, I love their faith, their traditions, their prayers, the rosary… and all those saints. They’ve got a saint for everything. I’ve even heard there’s one named St. Wrigley. He’s the patron saint of chewed gum stuck under desks and [...]