Wednesday, 11:48 PM Dear Friend, Today Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero shares the secret she uses to emotionally connect with her prospect when creating winning sales pieces. Good stuff! All the best,
Tuesday, 6:44 PM Dear Friend, At John Carlton’s Action Seminar David Deutsch shared several life-changing pieces of advice with me. David is one of the handful of top “A list” copywriters… the very best hired guns who write for the HUGE direct response companies like Boardroom, Agora, Rodale and Phillips. He so graciously let me [...]
Monday, 9:38 PM Dear Friend, I don’t remember if I ever mentioned this before… I had the good fortune of working side by side with master copywriter and marketer, Gary Halbert, for almost a year and a half. We were actually roommates for about six or seven months. He shared my house in Costa Rica [...]
Sunday, February 14, 12:47 AM Dear Friend, I’m sleeping on the couch alone in my home office tonight of all nights… Valentines day! What the heck did I do wrong? All I know is the Colombiana reacted quite strongly (and not in a POSITIVE way) when I presented her Valentine’s Day card. Here’s a copy: [...]
Thursday, 11:07 AM Dear Friend, I just tore into my Dan Kennedy newsletters for the month. Not only did I get some inspirational material to swipe for the welcome webinar with my new Kitchen Table Business proteges… I also ran across THIS in Dan’s Marketing To The Affluent newsletter: It’s always nice [...]