Thursday, 8:39 AM Dear Friend, I started a small coaching group recently. It’s a brand new experience for me… and I’m learning a lot. The FIRST thing I learned was I drastically UNDER-charged for it. It’s a lot more work than I expected. I COULD make it a lot easier on myself by farming out [...]
Wednesday, 8:46 AM Dear Friend, I’ve never really had the luxury of having a lot of money to start most of my “kitchen table” businesses. Even later in my career when I DID have a fair amount of capital to invest, I still did it on the cheap. In fact, I started my very first [...]
Thursday, 9:40 AM Dear Friend, I once heard master marketer, Dan Kennedy say this: “If you discard the message because of something you don’t like about the messenger… you’ll never learn or do anything.” It’s true. Gary Halbert knew a lot about health stuff. He researched it constantly. He could tell you how to exercise [...]
Saturday, 6:07 PM Here’s a question I recently received. Since I get questions like this pretty frequently I thought you might be interested in my answer. I’ve been looking for a mentor. Especially a Halbert trained mentor. I just want someone who’s “been there done that” to talk with. I don’t need a lot of [...]
Dear Friend, I’ve spent the last year in a state of semi-burnout. Actually I should say I’ve had the good fortune of being ABLE to spend the last year in a state of semi-burnout. My existing projects are pretty much on “auto pilot.” And that’s a good thing because I’ve had very little desire to [...]