I was a short and skinny kid.
I got picked on… a lot.
(Ya ever notice that bullies never pick on the strong, mesomorphic dude. They always pick on the weak.)
But at age 15, after another one of my numerous fights, I decided that it was the last time I was gonna get my ass kicked.
So I bought a weight set and started pumping iron. A practice that still continues to this day.
After I made a little progress I joined a real hardcore gym in Akron, Ohio. It took me 90 minutes one-way and three different bus changes to get there.
Three hours round trip to go to that gym 4 days a week.
Even more amazingly, I kept up that discipline 3 to 4 times a week… for years. 12 years to be exact…
Yup. No matter how hard or how frequent I trained I made little to no noticeable gains… but I NEVER quit.
Hope mostly.
Mere hope.
The hope that by continuing to fail with various training routines and diets, I would eventually eliminate all the stuff that didn’t work and stumble onto the stuff that DID work.
And after 12 years of busting my ass being the most self-disciplined person I knew, that’s exactly what happened.
BTW, what DID eventually work was 180 degrees contrarian to what EVERYBODY recommended. And all the “experts” told me it would never work.
Eight weeks later I was 22 pounds heavier. Sure there was a little “bulk” in there… but a majority of that was muscle.
The change was rapid and dramatic.
And EVERYBODY noticed.
I’d love to tell you it was “and he lived happily ever after” after discovering “the secret.”
But that wasn’t the case.
That secret eventually stopped working. And it was another 10 years of straight failure until, by process of elimination (and MUCH mental anguish), I discovered the next secret that allowed me to gain again.
And this process of MANY years of failure followed by small breakthroughs still continues today… 40+ years later.
But I NEVER slacked off even while I was going through 10 years of zero gains.
Quite the opposite. I worked so damn hard I’d often burst the blood vessels in my eyes. (Working too hard was actually part of the problem… but that’s a lesson for a different time.)
What’s all of this have to do with starting and building a direct response online business?
All of my entrepreneurial ventures have been exactly like my bodybuilding experience.
Every. Single. One.
Actually worse… but I don’t want to scare you… so I’ll only disclose THAT stuff when you’re truly ready to hear it.
If becoming financially independent with a “lifestyle business” were easy everybody would do it.
But it ain’t easy.
And the only ones I see succeeding are the ones with the same attitude I had about bodybuilding.
Look, one of my most important purposes in your life is to tell you the truth.
Yes, I’m also supposed to be an encourager… but I refuse to do that at the expense of the truth.
I may not disclose everything initially (I will when you’re ready for it) but I sure as hell ain’t gonna lie to you.
This entrepreneurial thang ain’t easy. So don’t expect it to be.
I STILL struggle with each and every day.
My new supplement business launch a few years ago is a PERFECT example of this.
It was NOT a home run my first time up to bat.
But that’s what my 40+ years of “sweating blood” with ZERO gains bodybuilding experience was preparing me for.
So the MOST important thing for you to learn from my business launch is what I did AFTER I found out my new supplement ad was not a home run.
This is the stuff NOBODY is revealing to you… because their ego won’t allow them.
I don’t give a flying fornication about my ego. You MUST know the truth about this stuff if you truly desire to be successful.
That’s why I revealed it ALL to the knights in my Marketing Camelot… the good, the bad and the ugly.
You see, my knights get an almost real-time look at EVERYTHING that has happened… and IS happening… in my business and the successful businesses that many of my other knights and clients own.
I know of nowhere else where you can get a complete, 100% open book look at the inner workings of an advanced direct response entrepreneur’s processes.
If you can’t take this stuff and use it to make as much money as you desire… and build ANY kind of lifestyle you desire… then, quite frankly, there’s no hope for you.
THAT is how powerful this stuff is.
Click here immediately if you want in on all my insider biz stuff I ONLY reveal to my knights…
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. I’ve been injured a LOT because of bodybuilding.
Some pretty damn serious injuries, too.
They all slowed me down from reaching my goals… or stopped me entirely for a period of time.
Some of those injuries will plague me the rest of my life. (And I can feel each and every one every single morning.)
A dollar short and a day late… but I discovered I could have avoided almost ALL of those injuries.
And that would have gotten me to my goals a LOT faster.
And with a LOT less pain.
Simple. By training with an experienced mentor.
Listen, I want to guide you in your business and help you avoid all those injuries… so you can progress a lot faster… and with a LOT less pain.
Click here to let me be your mentor…
Pax vobiscum.