Kinda hard to ignore that subject line, isn’t it?
That was the headline of some financial editorial I read yesterday.
Wanna know something interesting?
My email subject lines with the highest open rates are NOT the positive ones.
In fact, the more negative, the higher the open rate.
The email I wrote a few weeks ago about my dad unexpectedly passing away had a record high open rate.
Doesn’t surprise me. It’s just human nature.
Kinda like how you can’t help but slow down and gawk when you pass a grisly accident scene.
And it’s why the news people always say “If it bleeds, it leads.”
I’ve been reviewing a lot of financial copy lately.
The subject line of this email sums up what most of the financial writers are saying.
And it’s the same thing I’ve been hearing about since I discovered some rather unpalatable truths about the financial system back in 1996.
I’ve even written about that stuff in some older issues of The Doberman Dan Letter.
But I don’t anymore.
For a couple reasons:
One is something Dr. Glenn Livingston said to me about a year and a half ago. I’m paraphrasing but it was something like this:
“Dan, I’m pretty sure most people realize how screwed up the government and the economic systems are. And there’s no lack of people reminding them of that… on an almost daily basis.
Don’t you think you would be better serving your subscribers to talk about positive things?”
Uhhhh… can you say “immediate paradigm shift?”
Cuz that’s what happened.
Do I really want to be thought of as the guy who reminds you of how bad things suck?
How ‘bout noooooo.
I’m supposed to be a light in a dark world. Not the dude who scares you so bad you huddle in the corner, afraid to take risks and try to make things happen in your life.
That’s one of the reasons I cringe when I read a few of my Doberman Dan Letter back issues. (Forgive me for those, will ya?)
Anyhoozy… here’s another reason why I will not talk about “the sky is falling” stuff.
Study any of the economic crashes that have happened.
At any time over the past 4,000 years or so.
Sure, there were people who lost everything.
There were also people who got insanely wealthy.
But here’s the kicker…
Study any of the financials boons that have occurred over the past 4,000 years or so.
Sure, there were people who got insanely wealthy.
There were also people who lost everything.
How ‘bout them apples?
So no matter what happens in the economy, I’m choosing to focus on what we can do to get insanely wealthy.
If you want to hear about financial blood baths, the sky is falling and the coming biker zombie apocalypse, go read someone else’s stuff.
Or just read the news.
It’s all just “the Matrix” anyway really.
YOU control your own reality.
That’s been my experience.
I think anybody who tells me that dead people, unseen entities who live in the sky, the position of the stars or ANY external forces control their actions and/or outcomes is delusional.
I have created my destiny from the sheer force of my pig-headed stubborn “refuse to settle” will.
And I’ve had everything and everybody against me along the way.
Is there really a global recession is coming?
No idea.
And even if there is, there’s nothing I can do about it.
Worrying about it is not healthy for me. Or anybody.
Instead I’m focusing on what’s right in the world.
And imbuing everything I create for you with the only antidote to fear.
The “L” word.
Does that sound corny to you? A few years ago it would’ve sounded corny to me.
But with age comes wisdom.
And I feel exponentially better when I wield THAT tool in the face of the constant onslaught of overwhelming fear thrown at us every day. It makes everything better.
My relationships, my emotions, my mindset…
Heck, my copy even performs better and I make more money, too.
So that’s why I’m choosing to focus on what I’m focused on.
I may only be one little candle…
…but in a pitch-dark room, one little candle can light up almost everything.
All the best,
Doberman Dan

P.S. Crazy idea… but…
I wonder what would happen if some of my peeps would become candles alongside me?
I bet that’d be pretty amazing wouldn’t it?
Who knows how much light we could put out into the world.
Let’s try it, shall we?
Click here to become another candle in the world by getting knighted into my Marketing Camelot.
See ya at the Round Table.
Pax vobiscum.