Not long ago I had a product I thought should be selling better.
I had the market, the product and the offer just right.
And while I got a few sales here and there, I could never quite get that big “hit” we all want.
Nothing I tried seemed to work.
I tried increasing my traffic, rewriting my sales letter and testing different offers… nothing really got me that big hit.
Then one day I remembered something my mentor taught me.
Something to my knowledge he only taught about four other people on the planet.
It’s a “crazy” idea. And a lot of the gurus would laugh at it.
But, I figured, what the heck?
So I used this secret my mentor taught me and…
My sales DOUBLED within 24 hours!
And they KEPT going up after that.
Each week my sales went up and up and up.
Until, a little less than five months later…
I had increased my sales by 1,300%!
What was the change I made?
And, even more importantly, how can YOU use this in YOUR business?
I’m revealing everything here…
All the best,
Doberman Dan